Hi there! I'm an IT infrastructure focused tech-savvy project manager with over twenty years experience managing and planning IT design and build services on large scale IT projects.
I’m a big fan of Holden and Chevrolet cars and enjoy cycling as well as dabbling in various geeky hobbies like collecting programable Casio calculators. I enjoy video games and music and recently started to DJ various forms of House and Tech music.
The rest of this page is probably too much information about me. If you are looking for my employment history, then please check out my LinkedIn profile. If you like house music, check out my DJ sets on SoundCloud, MixCloud, or my YouTube channel. If you need to contact me please do so through the contact page.
My Story
I am the .5 in a family of 2.5 kids, here's my story...
I was born in Upper Hutt, a suburb of Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand. At that time, only 3 billion others roamed the earth. Baby boomers were appearing in maternity wards all over the western world and of course, I was one of ’em. The grandparents and many parents of the “boomer generation” experienced the tragedy of the Great Depression and two World Wars. Once the world economy recovered, the “glory days” and endless summers of the nineteen sixties came about..
During that time, Upper Hutt was an expanding city of new homes built on the back of cheap loans and low inflation. The Government also built a lot of subsidised housing in suburbs like Upper Hutt amongst privately owned homes. This was a world-leading experiment in socialism that was ultimately doomed but provided a fantastic opportunity for low income earners at the time.
Dad was an accountant who regularly brought home Holden company cars. This was always a big deal as we all got to take a ride around the block to see how awesome it was. I'm sure this is where my passion for Holden cars came from.
I've got a few opinions to share here, you don't have to read them or even agree with them but who knows, they might provide food for thought...
Hit the beach! Beach Road that is.
I've got this crazy idea that Common Sense rules. Call me a pragmatist, but common sense is not so common, why not?
Unfortunately, common sense is not currently part of the school curriculum.
Random Thoughts
Society is, by definition, made up of more than one person so societies are by definition, compromises between the desires of their members. Various societies try to balance these desires by employing economic systems some of which are counter to the desires of their members. And therein lies the conflict inherent in many political systems. In a [completely fictional] utopia all people would be able to have anything that they want and never have to deal with fulfilling desires of others that conflict with their own. Back in the real world, conflicts do arise and political, economic and judicial systems are designed to work these conflicts out.
Many hope that the economy will provide a basis for supporting the other ideals of a society; be they listed in the Bill of Rights or other values such as a right to education, a right to health care, or a right to choose to garden in the nude. What ever they are, these ideals of a society provide the framework for how to operate within it.
I have no problem with laizes-faire capitalism, regulated capitalism, socialism, communism, or any other economic system as long as it allows the ideals of the society I live in, to flourish.
Laws that protect big corporations, the working poor and lifestyle criminals are turning those few productive citizens left among us into tax-slaves. Don't even start on the tax-rate itself. Few willingly give half their income to a government they didn't vote for, unless they see the greater good in it. Politics has failed to describe why and how this needs to work.
Road Rules
We are told speed limits are imposed for safety but the accident rate is about half what it was when the current limit was set. So if it was safety, the limit would be much higher. People no longer believe the reasons given and are distrustful as a result. Cars are much safer now.
A license to drive should only be issued to those who can pass two psychometric tests. If drivers passed a logic test and a coordination test, wouldn’t we get better results? Some people are not fit to drive, if common sense excluded unfit drivers, most would agree, yeah?
"The only freedom which counts is the freedom to do what some other people think to be wrong. There is no point in demanding freedom to do that which all will applaud. All the so-called liberties or rights are things which have to be asserted against others who claim that if such things are to be allowed their own rights are infringed or their own liberties threatened.
This is always true, even when we speak of the freedom to worship, of the right of free speech or association, or of public assembly. If we are to allow freedoms at all there will constantly be complaints that either the liberty itself or the way in which it is exercised is being abused, and, if it is a genuine freedom, these complaints will often be justified. There is no way of having a free society in which there is not abuse. Abuse is the very hallmark of liberty."
Lord Chief Justice Halisham